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公司规模:500 - 999人


浙江司太立制药有限公司创建于2000年,公司地处风景秀丽的神仙之宝地——浙江仙居,紧靠省道临石线,东临甬台温高速公路50公里,南临温州130公里,西接金温铁路80公里,金椒高速公路出口处,交通十分便利。公司目前拥有总资产1亿余元,厂区占地面积80000多平方米,厂房建筑面积约40000多平方米,生产设备和检测设施十分完备。公司主要产品有:非离子CT造影剂原料药-碘海醇、碘佛醇、碘帕醇、碘普(罗)胺和双聚体碘曲仑、碘克沙醇等;氟喹诺酮类原料药左旋氧氟沙星和甲磺酸帕珠沙星;(碳)青霉烯类抗生素原料药法罗倍南、美罗培南及其关键母核4-AA等。目前公司拥有年产300吨左旋氧氟沙星、10吨甲磺酸帕珠沙星和100吨非离子型CT造影剂-碘海醇生产线。碘海醇产品和左旋氧氟沙星产品都已获得GMP证书。公司产品主要应用于国内外医药行业,其核心产品非离子CT造影剂-碘海醇、甲磺酸帕珠沙星和盐酸左旋氧氟沙星属国内生产规模最大,市场占有率均达65%以上。 “聚合生命能量,呵护人类健康”是我们永恒的经营理念;“以信誉赢得信赖,以效率创造效益”是我们的管理准则;“求精求细,求新求实”是我们司太立人的企业精神。我们将通过内抓管理,外拓市场,依托“新、优、廉”的特点,加快公司自身素质的提高,积极参与国内外市场竞争。司太立制药将与全球医药行业同仁一起为人类健康事业作出贡献!公司董事长胡健携全体员工热忱欢迎新老客户光临指导,诚邀各界人士精诚合作,共创辉煌。

ZHEJIANG STARRY PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD was established in 2000, It lies in Xianju Zhejiang-where it is said immortals inhabit, with a beautiful scene around it. Provincial road-Linshi Line near to it, its east to Ningbo-Taizhou expressway about 50 kilometers, south to Wenzhou railway about 130 kilometers and west to Jinhua-Wenzhou railway about 80 kilometers, And where it is near to the Exit of Jin-Jiao Expressway, so the transport is very convenient. Now the company owns 100 millions yuan capital.The factory area is 80,000 square meters,work room is more than 40,000 square meters.It is quite self-contained that producers' equipments and apparatus for testing .Our leading products such as series of nonionic X-CT contrast agent including Iohexol,Ioversol, Iopamidol double-poly Iotrolan, Iodixanol, and series of Levofloxacin and Pazufloxacin, Faropenem of penems with 4-AA. At present, Our company owns several the largest-scale production lines for 300-ton-per-year Levofloxacin, 10-ton-per-year Pazufloxacin Monomethanesulfonate and 100-ton-per-year nonionic X-CT contrast agent-Iohexol. We have gotten the GMP.The all products sell well all over the world, especially the prefect products Iohexol, Pazufloxacin Monomethanesulfonate & Levofloxacin Hcl, have the largest scale production in china, and cover the market 65%. So from now on the corporation with customers has the good foreground. "Polymerize life energy; Cherish being health" is the eternal management idea in the enterprise. "Gain trust by credit Standing; Get benefit by efficiency" is our managing rule. "Extract & careful; New & fact" is the timeless working topic for the Starry people. With depending on the product characteristics as "new, excellent and cheap ", also on strengthening management inside and exploiting market outside, we have gotten the success up to now. Starry people will also welcome all friends along to do for mankind's health. Mr.Hu Jian, the company board chairman & general manager, with all the staff, warmly welcome the old & new customers to give directions to the Starry. And we sincerely invite friends from all over the world to cooperate with us.

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